Kick Your Addiction to Gambling and Live Healthy Choices
Gambling is an activity that goes back to the earliest recorded history. There are many types of gambling. Gambling as we know it today began in the nineteenth century with the adoption of “poker”, a card game similar to blackjack but with three cards, instead of the traditional two. In recent years gambling has taken on more sophisticated forms with sports betting, futures trading, day trading, online gambling, and horse betting. While all of these may seem new and exciting, gambling has been around since man first started playing with objects called “cards”.
Gambling, the exchanging or betting of something of worth, for consideration of reward or loss, on the result of a contest, a game, or an unpredictable event whose outcome may be influenced by luck or chance or have an unforeseen outcome due to the bettor’s miscalculations. For centuries it was considered a foolish activity. “Let your profits run” was the common saying. “A little loss may make you a rich man.” All of these attitudes had to do with maintaining social status in a society that at that time was primarily male.
Gambling addiction has a different psychological addiction than most. Most people gamble because they have a need for immediate pleasure. They want to win the money, and so go to casinos, bingo rooms, etc. where they gamble their hard-earned money. If you gamble just to win, then you have a problem. If you gamble because you need to win, then you have a gambling addiction.
Gamblers go to great lengths to win. Many gamblers will fly to Las Vegas or Atlantic City, New York to play in live bingo halls, roll the dice and/or set up controlled number slot machines. The house has the ultimate control of these activities. They set the terms of gaming, where the limit is set, the minimum and maximum amounts bet and who can get into the house. Most of these properties now have video gambling equipment and state of the art security.
Other kinds of “problem gamblers” are those who try to beat the system or seek excitement. They may join “rodeo games”, which entail racing cars and sometimes even bullfighting. Other gamblers try to beat the house by taking advantage of little known deposit and withdrawal rules, going “beyond the hole” (beating the bank), or emulating known problem gamblers who win huge sums of money.
Gamblers can go to live casinos, but more often than not, live casinos don’t offer the same thrill as being in a virtual room. That is why online gambling has become so popular. You can go to any site you want to and play a game or take part in a heated discussion with fellow gamblers. There are forums to chat in and many sites to get the support you need to help you kick your addiction. If you are an addict, maybe it’s time to find support and move on to healthier choices.